Care Kits for Kids QLD Inc
Fundraise, donate & share to show your support
- 2Fundraisers
- 11Donors
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🎒 Care Kits for Kids Qld provide free Care Kits - new backpacks containing new clothes, toiletries, education supplies, books, toys, and quilts/wraps - to Queensland children in care or crisis. 💔 They often own nothing but what they’re wearing when leaving dangerous situations, entering emergency foster or kin care, escaping DV or living in extreme poverty. 🎒 Care Kits provide essentials, comforts and dignity, showing each child they matter, they are not alone and their community cares. 🎒 In 2024, with your support, we expect to help 4,000 children. We are all volunteers, with no regular funding. We rely on fundraising, grants and in-kind-or-financial support from our community to keep up with Care Kits requests. Thank you for your support 💕
Recent Fundraisers
- Raider Rezende
- The Sunday Mail Transurban Bridge to Brisbane 2024
- AUD $780.00
Recent Donors
- AUD $100.00
- Garry Baldwinson
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