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QENDO and UQ Institute for Molecular Bioscience are joining forces to tackle the major diagnostic and treatment challenges faced by people living with endometriosis. IMB’s research is focused on reducing diagnostic delays, helping doctors understand the clinical implications of patient experiences, and developing targeted treatments for the many patients whose lives are impacted by this painful and debilitating disease. With your help, we can transform discovery into hope.
Donate to make a difference
The University of Queensland - Endometriosis Research at IMB
QENDO and UQ Institute for Molecular Bioscience are joining forces to tackle the major diagnostic and treatment challenges faced by people living with endometriosis. IMB’s research is focused on reducing diagnostic delays, helping doctors understand the clinical implications of patient experiences, and developing targeted treatments for the many patients whose lives are impacted by this painful and debilitating disease. With your help, we can transform discovery into hope.
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